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Friday, September 16, 2011

The elicit truth; My Brain

I've done a little research here and there and apparently depression and seizures go hand in hand. Go figure. And today I feel like a bumbling idiot. Last night I had  (what my friend refered to as) a focal seizure. Upon reading information about frontal lobe seizures I found something interesting. Apparently my outbursts of hysterical laughing fits is part of frontal lobe epilepsy. I think of it as a form of turrets. Instead screaming vulgaraties at everyone around I simply laugh for no reason and can't seem to stop. My speech is slurred, my eyes can't focus and my vocabulary is stunted. I spoke with my friend ally last night a little bit about this and she explained to me that the frontal lobe is what controls reasoning, and decision making (which makes me REALLY wonder how long this has been happening and how much of my life I can blame on it)
This is the article I came up with:

"The frontal lobes, which are also called the cerebral cortex, are the seat of emotions and judgments related to sympathy, which is the ability to feel sorrow for someone else's suffering, and empathy, which the ability to understand another's feelings and problems. They are also the seat of understanding humor, including subtle witticisms and word plays. The frontal lobes also recognizes sarcasm and irony. And they are where recognition of deception occurs. The frontal lobes control the processes called "mentalizing" upon which our socialization is based; this is the ability to understand another's mental processes."

Over the last few months I have been told several times by several people that I appear "apathetic" to everything and everyone around me...don't mistake this as me making excuses for myself.....but I believe that maybe the inability to show empathy and remorse stems from the nerve damage in my brain. I can FEEL these things...or think I feel these things,....but my actions speak otherwise. My goal for this week;
to learn to verbally express appreciation and empathy. Instead of thinking I am feeling this way and assuming everyone knows I do....I'm going to work on verbalizing it.
The following is more information I found on frontal lobe problems if anyone is interesting in better understanding my brain; not sure I even want to...

 Cognitive symptoms
Emotional symptoms
  • Difficulty in inhibiting emotions, anger, excitement, sadness etc...
  • Depression, possibly due to above.
  • Occasionally, difficulty in understanding others' points of view, leading to anger and frustration
Behavioural symptoms

Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Seizures

By Mayo Clinic staff
Frontal lobe seizures usually last less than 30 seconds and often occur during sleep. Signs and symptoms of frontal lobe seizures may include:
  • Head and eye movement to one side
  • Complete or partial unresponsiveness, or difficulty speaking
  • Explosive screams or laughter
  • Abnormal body posturing, such as one arm extending while the other flexes, as if the person is posing like a fencer
  • Repetitive movements, such as rocking or bicycle pedaling

Now not ALL of these things apply to me because I don't believe my ENTIRE frontal lobe is effected...however many of these symptoms are currently displayed on at least a weekly basis. Which also makes me wonder if I really HAVE bipolar or if this is just typical signs and symptoms of neurological frontal lobe misfirings.

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