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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Political, Religious and Other..Views By Kiera. The End.

Since a vast majority of my friends are persistent on posting their opinions, just opinions... But most of all FORCING their views on so-called loved ones, and demanding that others see their point of view otherwise they are "just ignorant"... I want to share some of mine. Just to make my standpoint clear so there is no confusion, and no more bitterness. Political, religious, etc... Note that my views are subject to change as I grow and mature... I AM twenty five years old, but I am not naive. Nor am I easily swayed, nor am I stupid. May I add- this is to wean out those who are on my "friends list" for the intended purpose of catching up with my life, socially interacting with me etc,... and those who are only online to get their "troll fix". And in case anyone isn't aware- correcting others, being morally, politically or religiously offended... It is actually an addiction. You begin going out looking for groups who oppose the things you believe in for the purpose of being outraged. One source found here. Anyone who attacks me for my beliefs- will be I un-friending. And THAT is the purpose of this.

1. Guns. This country is in an uproar over gun laws. If not guns, it would be other weapons. We have had weapons since man first started walking the earth. In the beginning, it was for hunting and protection against wild animals. Now...we have become the wild animal. And we need protection from those of us that can't control our primal instinct. And yes, there are those who are born with the inability to control it. I would feel safer myself in a home with a gun. I myself, know how to clean, load and shoot a firearm. I am proud of this fact. I am also proud of the fact that I am a huge promoter of peace. I would never resort to using a weapon unless my life was threatened, or the world came to a state that it was required to hunt for food. Period.

2. Religion. "Religion is like a penis. It's nice to have one, its good to be proud of it. Please don't take it out in public and waive it around and please don't shove it down my throat." Blatantly said. Most people I know are aware of the fact now that I, myself, am not a Christian. I do NOT, however, put people down who are. Nor do I mock the Christian faith. Do I question it? Yes. Do I have debates with intelligent Christian people? Yes. I would never, never, NEVER disrespect someone else's religion. I am always respectful to those who practice differently than I do, and to those who don't practice faith at all. When led in prayer before dinner, I respectfully bow my head. During the pledge of allegiance I RECITE. I am, however, tired of Jesus posts of Facebook. Clicking "like" on a post will not save your soul!! Likewise, ignoring it will not condemn you to hell. Saying "Praying for so-and-so" on your status does not count as a prayer. What this literally translates to is; "Look what a good Christian I am! I'm praying!" IF YOU WANT TO PRAY FOR SOMEONE GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY! A candle light vigil is enduring the frigid air on your face and embracing loved ones while mourning a loss within a group of fellow mourners. Not sharing a photo.

3. Abortion- leaving this one be simply for the fact that my opinion varies depending on the situation. There are situations when women are simply being selfish, and situations when it simply calls for it-period.

4. Gay marriage- love knows no gender. Maybe marriage is a biblical term. I agree. Call it something else. Call it a unity. But let gays have it. Why is there still a fight over this? Oh yes... People are afraid of things that scare them and the amount of homophobes in the world is steadily growing. Not every gay man who approaches you, gentlemen, is hitting on you! You aren't all that awesome and every man (including gay men) have a "type" they are attracted to. You may not be it, get over yourself. Women don't seem to be AS threatened (in my experience) but the same applies ladies! As a bisexual female, I can say that if I am bs'ing with you or come off as flirty- I'm probably just having fun, and not actually hitting on you. If I think you're attractive, I'll let you know. Acknowledging an attractive person, however and saying "I want you NOW" are also not the same. Other than that- let same sex couples love each other. It's love. Who cares?

5. Generalized politics- shut up! Not every single person on Facebook NEEDS to hear your opinion on the president, the impending elections, props, or whatever. Especially more than once! And even if you spam your wall with feeds, chances are, it won't change the opinions of others. The only reason you're doing it at that point is to fire somebody up. It's immature, it's stupid, and no one is impressed that you borrowed a quote from a senator to make yourself sound intelligent. What's worse is you either misspelled it or made yourself look really bad and misunderstood it.

6. "Trash talking"- "My day would've been great if SOMEBODY wouldn't have messed it up by calling. SHE knows who SHE is" Okay, for one- if you are going to follow that up with "Call me" when someone asks "what's wrong?" Don't post it on Facebook because you were looking for attention and sympathy, otherwise....say who you had a problem with. If you don't- SHE either is on your friend's list and you're too chicken to call her out,...or someone she knows is. You are talking crap without talking crap. You are a coward, and shouldn't be spreading your drama disease online anyway. I understand the whole "It's my facebook I'll post what I want" But I can guarantee that girl you called to talk to about it- is probably sick of it too regardless of how much she pretends with her, "Nu uh girl I would've whooped her ass!" ...No you wouldn't don't even have the guts to tell your friend on the other line to shut up already because we are all sick of hearing it...unless of course she is just as into the dramatic fix as the other one in which case,...well they should both go back to High School.

7. "Click to send $1 for this baby with cancer." - By the time that photo has been shared 100 times, it's done. And I'm telling you now, Mark Zuckerburg is NOT paying for all these dying kids. Clicking "Like" or "Share" is not going to save children with cancer, nor would it stop Kony, or Save Katrina Victims, or Keep your Grandma from dying, or help you meet your true love. Now what sharing photos CAN do? It CAN get you a few laughs, or share a nice sentimental or motivational quote. Or see a news video. But as for the rest? It's just spam people.

Okay,....I'm getting off my soapbox now. I'm normally not one to engage like this, but the negativity is grinding at me, and I don't have the option to un-friend because a lot of this stuff is coming from people that I love. But I will. So tell me if you don't like it, tell me if you do. I can take you or leave you at this point. It's time to wean out the bad and keep the good. I can handle a healthy debate.
Just something to think about the next time you start to click that "Share" button on that "oh-so-awesome jesus" or "I live for Romney" or "Guns are killing us" post. Think about what the others on you page believe, and what will others think of you, if your entire news feed is covered in other people's pictures, and nothing to do with your own life.

Thank you,

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